Save time and money by using LayOut instead of PowerPoint to present your interior design. 7 important pieces of information from a 7-minute video that you can read in less than a minute.
Not everyone knows that LayOut has a presentation function.
Those who already know it are not aware of its strengths.
Below is a summary of the seventh episode of Let’s Talk LayOut.
You can start the presentation mode by
clicking on the monitor icon in the toolbar
View > Start Presentation
1. the presentation will start in full screen mode with the entire page fully expanded.
2. if you want to use the project only for presentations, you can adjust the layout page to the aspect ratio of the screen.
3. you can select the monitor on which you want to run the presentation.
Edit > Preferences > Presentation
4. navigation is intuitive using the arrow keys.
← back
→ forward
↑ first
↓ last
also, with a single click takes you one page forward.
5. hardly anyone knows that you can add annotations during the presentation.
There is a red thick pen that works as a pointer and as a freehand tool
When the presentation is finished, the layout asks if you want to keep or delete the annotations.
6. saved annotations are saved in a new layer with date and time — this is very convenient.
They become an element of the drawing that you can edit, for example, by changing the thickness and color of the line.
7. an interesting option is the possibility to make a temporary change in the attached SketchUp model view.
During the presentation, double-click the selected viewport and rotate the model in any direction.
This is an option that can cause an “aha” effect for the customer.
TL; DR: Presentation mode in LayOut
1. it works in full-screen mode
2. adjust page to screen aspect ratio if needed
3. select default monitor
4. navigate with arrows
5. add annotations
6. save annotations
7. rotate the model viewport
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